In recent years, orangutan manages to be an icon that can make people mindful of conserving the forest. That habitat orangutanlah the victims when the expansion of oil palm land occur, especially in Kalimantan.Even
so, recent data from the Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA)
of East Kalimantan and the Centre for Orangutan Protection (COP) to tell
the real conditions on the ground about orangutans. They
were forced to evacuate at least four of Muara Kaman orangutan
orangutan and two others from the estuary in July 2011 Wahau ago. 
What they found is quite pathetic. There is an orangutan mother was found dead and buried with the condition of many of his former hit, two injured wrists and fingers broken.While in Central Kalimantan, COP identifies one orangutan skull and evacuated three people arrested orangutan. Four orangutanjuga skull was found in August 20, 2011.Have not quite got there, dozens of orangutans are also often the target of village residents Puan smacking, Ancalong Muara District, aquatic mammal, being perceived as a destructive pest damage to crops and oil palm crops. In an oil palm plantation concessions, villagers were cut off the head of wildlife.Hardi Baktiantoro COP campaigners also say that the bounty hunters claimed to have killed a lot of mother orangutan and plantation workers also claim to deliberately spread the bananas that have been sprayed Furadan to poison the orangutan.These facts, if true, is appalling. Unfortunately, to this day, the police did not well define one so there are no suspects and imprisoned. "It's disappointing and dangerous to the survival of orangutans," Hardi said through a press release.Assess the deaths of tens of orangutan Hardi is not happening because of human conflict with the primate species, but an attempt mass murder of certain groups of greedy for personal profit. He said he poked the government should dare to look at the fact that the police are not making any progress to prevent the extinction of orangutans in Borneo.Since at least the last 10 years, 12 thousand orangutans are killed by humans in all parts of Indonesia. "There are about 2,400 to 12 thousand orangutans that have been killed by humans. Especially since oil is considered pests. That's the main cause. The second is loss of habitat," said Hardi again.Palm oil is not the only threat to the orangutan population. In the West Kalimantan, orangutan experienced similar threats, population decline, but due to poaching and illegal wildlife trade to be used as pets and even as a food source.The expansion of palm oil may be needed to pursue economic growth targets, through increased exports of palm oil. But economic improvements do not deserve the price of orangutan extinction. Even those two things really is not worthy of being two things that can be interchangeable. Protect the orangutan does not mean turning off the oil palm, and palm oil expansion is inappropriate to make any damage to the habitat of orangutans, let alone to sacrifice their lives.Orangutan is only one of the many types of wildlife in Indonesia who are victims because of oil palm plantations. In Riau heard many stories of elephants or tigers go to settlement.With the more frequent events like this happen in Indonesia, we would like to ask your opinion, what exactly is the problem here? Why did these events happen more often? And why would occur with increasing severity as well?What should be done by the government began to address environmental degradation, forests, and even, the possibility of extinction of animals typical of Indonesia?
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